
Teaching Poverty (KS 1)

Teaching Poverty (KS 1)


On this resource page, you will find the following lessons and guide:

  1. Overview of Lessons
  2. Lesson 1: What does it mean to be poor?
    The main objective of this lesson is to learn about the word 'poverty' and ask questions. Young people will be introduced to the term 'poverty'. They may not be curious at this stage, but they should respond to the teacher's prompts through the story and write down one question about poverty or something they would like to find out related to it.
  3. Lesson 2: What can a poor person need?
    The main objective of this lesson is for young people to be able to begin identifying what individuals suffering from poverty may need. Young people will learn about the effects of poverty. They will be able to identify some things that a person experiencing poverty might need (child or adult). They are able to show empathy for the needs of others and understanding.
  4. Lesson 3: How can we make children in need feel welcomed in our school?
    Young people are beginning to think about poverty in the real world. They show compassion and can talk about some of the needs of people suffering from poverty. Young people can work together to think about the needs of poor children and identify one or two things the school could provide to make them feel better. Ideally, this work should focus on one value that pupils are learning about. This can be charity, generosity, compassion, or even work on citizenship.

    Each of the lessons has a PDF and a PowerPoint presentation.

    This guide is Section 6 of the Curriculum Guide   Learning about Poverty as part of Youth Social Action

Key Stage: KS 1
Social Issue: Poverty
YSA Step: Inspire, Explore
Resource type: Lesson plans, Lesson Overview, All Lessons (Zip Folder)
Owner: Ormiston Trust


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Lesson plans,Lesson Overview,All Lessons (Zip Folder)

Guide Lesson Overview

Teacher Resource

Teaching Guide


Lesson Overview

Overview of Lessons

All Lessons (Zip Folder)

Project Planning



KS 1 , Poverty , Curriculum Integration , Ormiston Trust

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