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Empowering our young people today

Young people aren’t just the leaders of tomorrow. They have the energy, skills, and ideas to improve society and our environment today. Now, more than ever, we need young people involved in all parts of our societies.

Highlighting the projects, events and stories across our #WeWill family 


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Make a Difference

The Power of Youth Charter

Based on insights gathered from #iwill campaign partners & #iwill Ambassadors, the Power of Youth Charter provides a framework for organisations to empower more young people to engage in decision-making, take part in social action and make a positive difference.

Locate YSA Projects to Collaborate

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#WeWillBeCyberSafe aims to give pupils the knowledge and tools for self-confidence

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#WeWillBeCyberSafe aims to give pupils the knowledge and tools for self-confidence

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#WeWillBeCyberSafe aims to give pupils the knowledge and tools for self-confidence

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#WeWillBeCyberSafe aims to give pupils the knowledge and tools for self-confidence

News and Updates

Here are some news and updates inside

Based on insights gathered from #iwill campaign partners & #iwill Ambassadors, the Power of Youth Charter provides a framework for organisations to empower more young people.

  • All Post
  • Adult
  • Blog
  • News story
  • Takeover
  • Uncategorised
  • Young
  • Youth Social Action Reporter