
Humanitarian Fundraiser

When the horrific scenes started to come out of Ukraine, we have no doubt, that it crossed everyone’s ‘how can we help’! This is exactly what the National Student Voice team from Ormiston Academies Trust, voiced at one of their meetings.

Mollie, Chair of the East Regional Student Voice (RSV) from Ormiston Venture Academy in Great Yarmouth and Renu, West RSV representative, from Ormiston NEW Academy in Wolverhampton, together with many of their peers thought of ways that, as a network, we could best support the devastating situation in Ukraine through Youth Social Action.

The students worked together to come up with a range of inclusive fundraising activities and asked the whole of OAT and the wider Ormiston network, to come together as one family for an Ormiston Humanitarian Fundraiser on Wednesday 23 March.

The students also made a decision on where the money would be donated. The students discussed several brilliant charities for the money to be donated, however, decided on the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal, as The DEC brings together 15 leading UK aid charities to raise funds quickly and efficiently at times of crisis overseas.

The justification behind the students opting to raise cash is due to their research into a recent update from The British Red Cross, that states:

“We know that people up and down the UK have been incredibly generous. While some local charities have been able to get those donated items to border countries, there’s been such a huge response from right across Europe, that it’s difficult to use all the things that have been donated, and get them to the right place.”

“Cash donations are by far the quickest, safest, and most direct way to help. A cash donation means we can help with whatever is needed, source things locally, and transport items quickly. It also means volunteers can concentrate on the response, rather than sorting and transporting donations.”

The British Red Cross, March 2022

It was truly amazing to see and hear about all the fundraising efforts the Ormiston network undertook. On Wednesday 23 March, there was a sea of yellow and blue seen across all four corners of the UK. Here are some of the highlights:

Sandymoor Ormiston Academy

Up in Runcorn, Sandymoor Ormiston Academy took part in a Walk for Solidarity. After decorating the frontage of their academy, the students then planned out the route, hanging yellow and blue ribbons on lampposts and fences to signposts along the way. Hundreds of students and the staff took to the streets in their local area, donning the Ukrainian colours, and collecting donations from their community.

Ormiston SWB Academy

In the West Midlands, Ormiston SWB Academy used its food
technology lessons to bake cakes. Helped along with their ‘food champion’ and staff social action OAT Award runner-up, Ms
Azad, the students produced tasty cupcakes decorated in Ukrainian colours. Students then took the lead in selling the cakes to their school community.

Ormiston Families

The staff at Ormiston Families in Great Yarmouth, whilst still carrying out their vital support work for vulnerable young people and families also wanted to support all affected by the crisis in Ukraine. They dressed in yellow and blue and also raised money by young people selling homemade cakes.

Ormiston Park Academy

Over in Essex, Students at Ormiston Park Academy, not only
prepared cakes to sell but made up blue and yellow ribbons to wear.
Park’s cadets spent the day before the appeal, making up the ribbon
badges, while other students channelled Mary Berry. The
students sold both at breaktimes, ending with the Park’s community,
stuffed full of cakes and wearing badges with pride.

Ormiston Meridian Academy

Ormiston Meridian Academy in Derby collected a number of
personal and sanitary items that were sent to the Ukrainian borders
to support the people displaced, with every form involved in creating
a pack. On top of that, every student in the academy helped to create a flag for peace, writing messages of hope and displayed for their school and the wider community to see.

These are just a few of the countless efforts we have seen in our Ormiston network take part in. To ask you all to join in on an activity such as this, with only a few days of preparation, is truly impressive and exemplifies the passion and care our network has for others. We are also grateful for all the donations given by staff, parents/carers, not only showing support for people affected by this current crisis but showing support to our young people.

With aims to raise 10k, they soon surpassed all expectations and ended up raising £17,300!!

Thank you Ormiston Family and to OAT’s ‘Student Voice’ for rallying us all together.


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