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Mary Savva

#WeWill Programme Staff Lead

Mary Savva is a community dance artist based in the UK. Mary primarily develops and makes work with children, adolescents and vulnerable communities in varied social sites and environments, crossing genres and cross-pollinating with other creative media. Mary is interested in community dance making, somatics and re-appraising ideas on what dance is and can be for all bodies; recently contributing to a new book (Re) claiming Ballet – edited by Dr Adesola Akinleye.   

Key to her work as an educator and practitioner is the idea that dance links the physical and emotional self with others and that self-expression through movement is a key form of communication and social change.  

Mary holds her MA in Dance Technique Pedagogy from Middlesex University and is committed to researching, disseminating and developing arts practice to be inclusive, vital, and open.   

Mary was selected to take part in the One Dance UK mentorship scheme as a future leader and was mentored and trained with Helen Poynor in non-stylised environmental movement and is currently training as an IBMT Somatic Movement Therapist to support her work in community.