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Youth Social Action Resource Hub

Healthy Habits Snapshot
Ormiston Trust

Healthy Habits Snapshot

This Snapshot provides an overview of all the resources, guides, and lesson plans to equip teachers for effective awareness and teaching.
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Teaching young people about developing and sustaining healthy habits is important as it can help by preventing health conditions such as obesity and diabetes to improve mental health, increased confidence, better social skills, resilience, and a more positive outlook. A healthy lifestyle will give the young people a strong foundation of physical and mental benefits. This will set them up for the rest of their lives.

We Are Patrick Toolkit
We Are Patrick

We Are Patrick Toolkit

We Are Patrick, a social action program by young men, educates peers on violence issues in 90-minute sessions in Suffolk schools.
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We Are Patrick is delivered by young men. Young men have designed a toolkit, which male volunteers use in 90-minute sessions in schools across Suffolk. The toolkit presents a series of difficult scenarios based on the life of fictional character, Patrick. It uses film, spoken verse, imagery and flashcards created by volunteers to journey young people though decision-making scenarios based on fictional characters. The project aims to educate peers on the issues of sexual exploitation, domestic abuse, honor-based violence and gang grooming, while lobbying for changes to social policy and practice on these issues and promoting young people’s voices.

Pop Path – a Safe Stroll Is Our Goal!
Pop Path

Pop Path – a Safe Stroll Is Our Goal!

Frustrated with avoiding unsafe areas, young women rebelled, creating street art and information campaigns to reclaim and improve their surroundings.
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This group of young women was united by their passion to make their public spaces safer for the whole community of Stratford (London). They were fed-up with having to avoid particular places because of the fear of experiencing violence, harassment and unwanted attention. Others had experienced the same behavior's in their neighborhoods and on their way to school. Designed by young people, Pop Path creates joyful murals and informative campaigns that bring a sense of community. It also equips members of the community with the information and practical tools to deal with the negative impact of harassment.

Help Ukarine

Helping Ukrainian Refugees

Young people, moved by the Ukrainian refugees' trauma, fundraised to aid them. Here are some examples of their supportive efforts.
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The Ukrainian-Russian war has led people all over the world to take action to support Ukrainian refugees who are in need. These young people have all done their bit too and shown how everyone can help make a difference. Eight year old Will donated a teddy to comfort another Ukrainian child, brothers Joseph and Theo from Dundee busked in the city Centre, while Ava-Rose, aged eight, cycled back and forth the Humber Bridge ten times in total!

Children’s Right2Food Campaign
Food Foundation

Children’s Right2Food Campaign

This nationwide initiative ensures all UK children access affordable, nutritious food, addressing childhood obesity resulting from inequalities.
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Young Food Ambassadors came together to launch their very own Right2Food Charter, calling on the Government to listen to their stories and those of millions of other young people across the UK who were living with increased levels of hunger and food poverty. They delivered their Right2Food Charter to 10 Downing Street with Dame Emma Thompson who is also supporting their advocacy. Since then, they have joined forces with Marcus Rashford’s #EndChildFoodPoverty campaign to make sure no child in the UK goes hungry.

Period Poverty – #FreePeriods Campaign
Period Poverty

Period Poverty - #FreePeriods Campaign

Approximately 49% of girls missed school due to affordability issues with menstrual products. Now, many UK schools provide these products for free.
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Girls across Britain were having to skip school when on their periods because they couldn't afford menstrual products — with many using wads of tissue, newspaper, or even socks and old clothes instead.
So, Amika George launched her #FreePeriods campaign to tackle period poverty. A joint legal campaign was launched with the Red Box Project, urging the U.K. Government to comply with its legal obligations to ensure equal access to education for all children, irrespective of their sex. The Government committed funding for free period products in schools in England, mirroring similar commitments already made in Scotland and Wales.  

Schools Linking Project
The Linking Nw

Schools Linking Project

Two schools collaborated on a program, enabling students to delve into issues important to them and the broader community.
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Two schools collaborated - Marsden Heights Community College and Park High School Colne – for the students to discuss the issues which were important to them and the wider community. The project took the students on a journey to learn about the school, local, national and international matters. They learnt and expressed how they felt about things and what their peers thought too. They engaged with local councilors, community workers and the general public on current matters. They then worked with a local poet to create a message to go back to the school and the community about their experience.

The Advocacy Academy Movement

The Advocacy Academy Movement

The Advocacy Academy, an activist youth movement, champions justice and equality, acting as a political home for grassroots organizing and collective action.
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The Advocacy Academy is an activist youth movement of young leaders fighting for justice and equality. They serve as the political home for grassroots youth organizing and the catalyst for collective action. The power of movement building is not about feeling ‘confident’ or ‘courageous’. Power is the ability to act; this is important when 88% of young people feel that their voices are completely unheard in society. They run immersive programmed to train young leaders who then continue their journey with The Advocacy Academy. Currently, there are 122 alumni.

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Youth Social Action (YSA)

Refers to activities that young people do to make a positive difference to others while developing key skills and attributes and having fun. YSA can take place in various contexts (i.e. at home, schools, youth clubs etc) and can include volunteering, fundraising, campaigning or supporting peers. We believe social action can play an essential role: in young lives, the success of a school, the local community or more.

Resource Hub

Our Resource Hub aims to act as a Youth Social Action search engine, offering tailored results to inspire and guide. The hub hosts a wide variety of resources, including our own Youth Social Action Toolkit, case studies, research reports, and helpful resources from other reputable organisations in the sector.

How to use

How to use

Our Resource Hub aims to act as a Youth Social Action search engine, offering tailored results to inspire and guide. The hub hosts a wide variety of resources, including our own Youth Social Action Toolkit, case studies, research reports, and helpful resources from other reputable organisations in the sector.

To find appropriate resources, use the filter feature to select the relevant options. You can filter by key stage (1-5), YSA theme (e.g. poverty), or a particular skill (e.g. communication). You can also filter by resource owner (Ormiston Trust or external organisation) and resource type, such as lesson plans. If you know what you are looking for, you can use the search bar.

To save or download resources, please sign up for a free account. In your user area, you can organise your saved items for quick and easy access. On the resource results page, you can save or download multiple resource quickly by using the tickbox feature.

Youth Social Action Toolkit

Youth Social Action Toolkit

Our Youth Social Action Toolkit has been carefully developed by industry professionals with input from young people to guide school leaders, support staff, and young people through a Youth Social Action project. Our curriculum guides clearly outline how YSA can be integrated into the curriculum of schools with limited time.


We don’t gatekeep – by sharing our sector knowledge and resources, we aim to enrich the lives of all young people by fostering skills development, improving agency and wellbeing, and promoting active citizenship.


The first step of the YSA process is to be inspired by an issue you care about! Check out our inspirational case studies on what you could do!


The second step of the YSA process is to explore your options! You‘ll need to research the issue that inspired you to take action to understand how you can help.

Ready to start planning your project? Access our Youth Social Action Toolkit here.


The third step of the YSA process is to plan your project! Lucky for you, we have a Project Planning Template for that.


The fourth step of the YSA process is to carry out your plan! This is when the physical activities involved like fundraising, campaigning, and volunteering kick off.


The fifth and final step of the YSA process is to reflect! Looking back at your plan, did you achieve your aims?  What went well and what didn’t go so well? Can you sustain your project? Or did you take steps to ensure further projects aren’t needed?