
#WeWillWeek – Stoke High School Ormiston Academy takeover 

Stoke High School Ormiston Academy

On Wednesday 1st March we tasked pupils across the Ormiston network with the #WeWill website challenge. Asking young people to write and submit content on the day. Two pupils from Stoke High School Ormiston Academy, make a plea for gardening to be reintroduced at school.  

Gardening at Stoke High School, By Cole Rutter 

We would love to have gardening lessons back. It is helpful because I am going to wear a gardening hat and plant flowers so that my school looks beautiful. 

We plant some vegetables and fruits such as apple tree blackberry to cook apples and blackberry crumble. We can make money for our school or charity by selling apples or blackberry crumble. 

We what to reintroduce gardening in schools, By Dominic Sewell 

We used to have gardening lessons at School. This was something I really enjoyed, and I would like to learn more about it. 

I think it would benefit the environment if more of us knew how to grow our own fruit and vegetables.  

Some people struggle with the cost of living and use food banks. If people knew how to grow their own food this could help poorer families in need. 

It would be better if this was made into a lesson during school hours, so everyone gets the opportunity to participate. If it was lunchtime or an after-school club not everyone would be able to attend, as they are eating or playing.   

This would be good for people that have mental health issues. We could raise money for charities that need help.  


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