About this event
The Youth Innovation Conference is a new and exciting opportunity to widen the conversation surrounding young people's views, aspirations and issues. The current situation across the country regarding the youth offer is, as we all know, fragmented and in many ways influenced by an adult led or institutional agenda.
We aim to improve the process of addressing this imbalance by involving young people and professionals in co-produced solutions to many of the pressing issues that young people face today in an exciting array of workshops and discussions.
Our objective is to bring to the surface conversations regarding what, who and how the commissioning and delivery of young people's services must include the young people in the driving seat for change rather than them being the benign passenger. Young people want their voices and imaginations to influence change and for providers to have a collective vision towards better supporting their needs.
The conference will provide you and your organisation with the opportunity to listen to a range of experts and harness young people's energy and sense of optimism, allowing you to have open discussions with a cross-section of young people and examine how to become an even more effective provider.
Sign up now to be a part of the shift in the paradigm towards greater, youth-led services and co-production.
For more information, please go to; www.sportingcommunitiescic.org