
Delivering Mental Health at KS 3&4

Delivering Mental Health at KS 3&4


This resource on mental health focuses on the importance of mental health and well-being. It maps opportunities as to when mental health can be delivered across the national curriculum with suggested activities.

You will find the following documents and resources here:

  1. Delivering mental health through Personal Social and Health Education (PSHE):PSHE education helps young people understand their own and other emotions, develop healthy coping strategies and seek appropriate support. This guide maps opportunities for mental health teaching through PSHE and links it to potential projects.
  2. Teaching mental Health Science:This guide maps the national curriculum objectives from the science curriculum to opportunities for delivering mental health at Key Stages 3 and 4 through the subject of science.
  3. Delivering mental health through English:This guide uses a range of texts to address the issues surrounding mental health across key stages 3 and 4.
  4. Delivering mental health through Music:Singing and music-making are the ultimate health boosts, contributing to mental health and fostering spiritual well-being. This guide links the requirements of the National Curriculum to the delivery of mental health through the teaching of Music with possible project ideas.
  5. Delivering mental health through Art:Teaching mental Health through IT
  6. Delivering mental health through IT:
  7. Delivering mental health through Relationship, Sex and Health Education:Teaching Mental Health through RSHE
  8. Delivering mental health through Citizenship Education:Teaching mental health health through Citizenship
  9. Delivering mental health through Religious Education:Teaching mental health through RE

This guide is Section 2 of the Staff Guide  Learning about Mental Health and
Wellbeing as part of a Youth Social Action programme

Key Stage: KS 3, KS 4
Social Issue: Mental Health
YSA Step: Inspire, Explore
Resource Type: Teaching Guide
Subject(s): Citizenship & PSHE, RSE, Science, English, ICT & Digital Technology, Art, Religious Education, Information Technology
Owner: Ormiston Trust


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Teaching Guide

Guide Lesson Overview


Lesson Overview

Overview of Lessons

Project Planning



KS 3 , KS 4 , Mental Health , Curriculum , Ormiston Trust

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