
Teamwork Guide (for educators)



This guide's main aim is to help you understand the importance of teamwork when young people are working together on a group project. It gives you an overview of the different departments in organisations and the various roles young people can play in these departments.
It explores the different stages of teamwork, such as forming, storming, morning, performing, and adjourning, and applies these to the five steps of Youth Social Action.It also briefly explores Belbin's theory of groups.

The guide also gives examples of effective teamwork and templates for use in group settings, such as agendas, meeting minutes, ground rules, etc.

The key objectives of the guide will cover are:

-Pupils work confidently with others, adapting to different contexts and taking responsibility for their part.
-They listen to and take account of different views.
-They form collaborative relationships, resolving issues to reach agreed outcomes.
-Managing discussions to achieve results
-Adapt behaviour to suit different roles and situations, including leadership roles, and show fairness and consideration to others.
-Take responsibility, show confidence in themselves, and contribute to providing constructive support and feedback to others.

Key Stage: KS 1, KS 2, KS 3, KS 4, KS 5
Resource type: Guide
Owner: Ormiston Trust


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Guide Lesson Overview

Teacher Resource

Teaching Guide

Lesson Overview

Overview of Lessons

Project Planning



KS 1 , KS 2 , KS 3 , KS 4 , KS 5 , Youth Social Action , Ormiston Trust , Team Work

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Ormiston Trust

Teamwork Guide (for educators)

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