
Case Study: #WeWill - Community, Inclusion & Wellbeing

Case Study: #WeWill – Community, Inclusion & Wellbeing


This #WeWill project focused on making a positive difference to wider school life and re-establishing links within the community.
The Ormiston #WeWill youth social action campaign aimed to empower young people across the Ormiston network and non-Ormiston schools to build relationships and share best practices. Our overall aim was to ensure that young people would drive and determine action and staff would ensure young people were given the skills to succeed, and the chance to engage with other young people to share and develop practice across the country.

Throughout the programme the Ormiston Trust team worked with all core partners and external schools to ensure that, as far as possible, they aligned their delivery to complement the YSA guiding principles. By the end of the current #WeWill YSA programme, 148 schools, involving over 12,500 students from primary and secondary schools took part in over 100 projects which focused on addressing issues regarding the environment, poverty, wellbeing, resilience, health and safety, community cohesion and inclusion and diversity.

Key Stage: KS 3, KS 4
Social Issue: Health & Wellbeing, Inclusion and Diversity, Environment
Resource type: Guide
Owner: Ormiston Trust


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KS 3 , KS 4 , Case Study , Curriculum Integration , Ormiston Trust , Teacher

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